
About Me

Hello! I am an aspiring game designer who just graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science as the Class of 2023. My favorite video game genres are RPG, adventure, story-driven, and strategy.

Since my sophomore year, I participated in SDSU's Aztec Game Lab (AGL). I was heavily involved in the club and was elected president in 2022. We are currently finishing our Long Term Game for the Spring 2023 semester.

I have been interested in game design since I was about 13 years old. I thoroughly enjoyed analyzing the level design features of my favorite games. I got into game design through my favorite YouTuber who broke down game elements in his videos. I started to fully appreciate games and how much work is put into them once I started analyzing the game design features in every game I played. I especially fell in love with the games that had an emotional impact on me. Now that I have started designing games and building my own levels with Aztec Game Lab, my passion has grown deeper.

In addition to gaming, some of my other hobbies are listening to music, singing, playing guitar, and photography.

Feel free to check out some information about the games I have worked on using the tabs at the top of the site.

Below are links to my LinkedIn and to my Itch.io profile.

Feel free to also check out my Resume down below.


Alyssa Garcia Resume